Friday, December 23, 2011


If there’s a country I’d really like to know, it’s Canada. Why? I don’t really know the reasons why :B Maybe because people there speak both languages I like the most: English and French. I don’t speak French, but I’d love to.
Well, I know almost nothing about Canada, there’s just one Canadian rock band I’ve listened to (The Arcade Fire), and I know just one person that has lived there. I know that Canadian climate is cold, and that people there use to be relaxed. That’s why Canada seems interesting: If I were living there, I could live a quiet life, that’s my daydream. I know it could sound stupid, ‘cause there’s a lot of places where I could have a quiet life.
Once there, I’d just like to have a simple job, woodcutter maybe, or any other job where I could have a close contact with nature. It’s just a fantasy, I know it won’t happen.
If I could live a couple of years there, I would like to learn to speak both languages. That’s all J


  1. Oh, I didnt know that in Canada the people speak those two lenguages, is interesting. those are my favorites lenguages to.
    Now you give me another place that I could visit, thanks for that.

  2. Oh! i think french is so sexy! xd
    All people said now that Canada is a "new America".. i think your dream came be true, go go :D

  3. quiet life, thinking about that here in Santiago is like an utopia. I prefer hot places instead of cold ones, but I think it would be great being in a city full snow-covered... is it Canada full snow-covered sometimes?

  4. Canada is my second love! (it was the first many years for me, and i think it still can recover the firs place in my heart). I mean is REALLY PEACEFUL, ecological, advance in terms of law... it has everything! I just wish i could adapt to its harsh winter :c

  5. I love Canada too!!! Is very peaceful!!
