Sunday, January 22, 2012

How Green I'm I?

I think I’m green enough, I mean, I try to save energy, I don’t buy new clothes, I don’t throw garbage anywhere, most of the time I divide plastics from glass and aluminum and organic leftovers (such as fruits skins).
I usually move by bus, but every time I can I try to go pedaling. Although it’s not to save the world, it’s just to feel free, exercise myself and save money.
When I started last year here in JGM, The first ‘extra programmatic’ things I did was to work with ‘Huerto Orgánico Rengalentün’ guys and other people in ‘JGM Recicla’, because I wanted to do something interesting besides just come to study obligatory subjects. This experience could be useful someday, who knows.
People learn about environmental cares at their homes (from their families) or at school or university, or even in TV and internet. They could even learn by themselves, trying new ways to re-use and recycle what they could throw as simple trash.
I haven’t done anything to reduce my carbon footprint, ‘cause before I knew it existed, I was careful about it. Once I calculated my footprint, and it was below what’s recommended, so I don’t need to reduce it more. That’s why I wouldn’t like to do anything else to help environment, I actually do enough, and I don´t think I could do much more. And common people can’t do much more about it. Most of the responsibility belongs to industries and factories.
Here in Santiago we could have more, better and connected cycle paths, so we wouldn’t need to use Transantiago, that would be wonderful, but that will never happen.


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